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Purchases and sales are ma?

This is a place where you can sell/buy/trade or give away things you no?

It's a yard sale site NO posting your businesses on this site or you will with no questions be deleted PRICES, SIZES, & LOCATION ON ALL POST * The creator and admins of this page are not liable for any damages or problems arising from the use of this page, and are not compensated in any way. Anything goes on this site except anything adult themed that children should not see. This site has a zero tolerance policy on drama, nasty language and graphic photos, so. This site is for people who live in southwest Virginia that have items they would like to sell. Welcome to the Greenbrier County Yard Sale Sight. lowes cement pavers This group is for posting anything that has to do with yard sales and locations as well Buy and Sell. Other than that that,. Cabool, Mo Online Yard … Only members can see who's in the group and what they post Anyone can find this group. Abingdon, VA Yard Sale On-line. saratoga feature race today Here are some rules and guidelines to follow on this sales site. These pages are often created by individual Facebook users who allow residents of the surrounding area to join. Only FSBOs located IN Pagosa Springs. The measurement of a linear yard is 3 feet or 36 inches. Vintage Truly Light Tailored Luggage Hat Box. A Facebook group for buying and selling items in Chester County. us foods port orange jobs ***PLEASE NO ASKING/BEGGING FOR ITEMS FOR FREE THEN SELLING THEM. ….

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